100% NZ Owned and Operating since 1994
Contact: Cathi Barker
Mobile: 027 285 23 89
Email: cathi@softwaresolutions.co.nz
Office & Training Suite: Pyes Pa, Tauranga, New Zealand
Software Solutions

About Us

Hi I'm Cathi Barker and I started Software Solutions with a keyboard and an idea 30 years ago in 1994.
At that time I was based in Rotorua and the Computer Center manager for the Forest Research Institute during the day and a teacher for the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic at night. Now known as Scion and Toi Ohomai.
I started Software Solutions because no one was offering the type of software training, support and development that businesses needed in Rotorua and the wider Bay of Plenty in the 1990's. So I took a big risk and started by own Software company. We grew to have our own commercial building which is now Big Save on Lakes Road Rotorua and at it's peak eight staff.
Then in 2005 I moved to Tauranga to be closer to family and this is now my forever home/city. But I don't only operate in Tauranga, my database in June 2024 tells me I've taught/supported at least 11,190 people all over Aotearoa New Zealand.
I'm a life long learner, and I now chalked up 40 years experience, in Education and IT and have racked up a rather long list of credentials over the years, including New Zealand's first Microsoft Master, Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, Microsoft Innovative Educator, Microsoft Certified Educator, Microsoft Office Expert and Master, Certified Xero Advisor, and author of six Microsoft books to list a few.
If you need support with systems, software, development, education and/or training I'm sure I can be of assistance, so reach out, I'd love to chat. Cathi Click to view LinkedIn Profile