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Contact: Cathi Barker
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Email: cathi@softwaresolutions.co.nz
Office & Training Suite: Pyes Pa, Tauranga, New Zealand
Software Solutions

The Online versus face-to-face learning statistics are in.
Online Learning is on the rise.
They show clearly that the traditional face-to-face learning model is being replaced at an accelerated pace by the modern online learning model.
Here are some Facts:
Is Online Learning Effective?

The number of online learning platform users is expected to reach 57 million by 2027[1]
Significant investment in online learning was made by 63% of educational institutions[2]
More than 69% of chief academic officers make online learning a critical part of their education strategy[3].
Since 2020, 98% of universities have moved their classes to online[4]
Global E-learning Market to reach USD $457.8 billion by 2026[5]
Online learning uses 90% less energy and 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student compared to learning in a traditional setting[6]
But is online learning BETTER that face-to-face learning or more convenient? And better for who?
Here is some Research:
At the University of Potomac 70% of students agree that online classes are better than traditional classroom settings[7].
80% of academic leaders believe online education is equal or superior to traditional learning[8].
eLearning can help students retain between 25% and 60% more information[9]
95% of online students said they would recommend online education to others[10]
eLearning requires 40% to 60% less time learning than traditional classrooms[11]
But Why?
Less Cost and better Return on Investment
Flexibility around other commitments and effective use of Time
Preference for Technology

An online degree is more than $10K cheaper than a traditional on-campus degree[12]
60% of US graduates choose an online program because of its affordability[13]
Online learning courses that are 4 weeks long have the highest completion rate[14]
What are the Down Sides? [15]
Less interaction, support, and networking with others can be an isolated learning experience.
Less communication and cultural exposure.
Less control over what is being learnt.
Cheating is more brutal to monitor.
Issues with Accreditation and Quality Assurance so less credibility.
Requires self-motivation and efficient time management skills.
Less Kinetic or Practical learning.
Limited to specific disciplines only.
Prolonged screen exposure and associated Health Issues.
Online classes often lead to boredom.

Do Learners Complete online courses?
The significant downside to online learning is low completion rates.
A U.S. News study[i] estimated only 15% and 35% of online learners complete their courses.
The percentage of those who do not complete the course is known to be high and can lead to failure anxiety issues.
I believe Online Learning can be effective if ...
the learner is self-motivated, confident with technology, literacy, and numeracy, and has good time management skills and...
the subject does not have a strong practical element, or requires competency in working with or interacting with others and …
to reduce anxiety and a potential sense of failure and ensure successful completion of the course there must be a person, not a chatbot who is capable and available by phone, email or meeting face to face or by video to support, guide and make the learning relevant to the learner and …
at all costs (no pun intended) online learning must be about supporting the learner, not global market size, profits and a one size fits all product.
Cathi Barker
Microsoft Master Instructor
Microsoft Innovative Educator
Educator in the private and public sector for over 40 years
[1] Prosperity eLearning Statistics 2023-Facts, Trends & Predictions
[2] Quality Matters. The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) Project
[3] Online Education: From Good To Better To Best? Forbes
[4] Higher Ed Partners UK The legitimacy of online learning vs traditional learning
[5] Global E-Learning Industry
[6] Designing low carbon higher education systems
[7] Online Learning vs Traditional Learning
[8] Online Education: From Good To Better To Best? Forbes
[9] Facts and Stats that reveal the power of the elearning sector
[10] 2023 Online Education Trends Report
[11] eLearning learning
[12] Cost of Online Education vs Traditional Education
[13] 50 Online Education Statistics: 2023 Data on Higher Learning & Corporate Training
[14] 2021 Impact Report. Serving the world through learning