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Cathi Barker

Microsoft Master Instructor

Microsoft Innovative Educator

Educator in the private and public sector for over 40 years


One of the great aspects of remote learning via applications like Microsoft Teams is the sharing of a screen.

When a learner has an issue, so I can see the issue, I often ask them to ...

“share your screen please” 

But it’s not just me who sees the screen everyone that is all the other learners also sees the screen and I think that is a real plus to remote learning.

Because in a face-to-face instructor-led situation, if there was an issue typically, I would go to that learner and we would (just ourselves) share the issue and resolve it, and the other learners would not necessarily be included or involved or benefit from being a part of that situation.

But with remote learning and sharing a screen, everyone is involved, and that’s such a huge benefit.

It is well known that learning doesn’t really happen until something goes wrong.

Learning ramps up when there’s a problem, and often if there isn’t a problem, and it is completely smooth sailing, a lot of the limitations, considerations, troubleshooting and depth of understanding does happen, or get explored - and it should.

So sharing a screen when things go wrong is when the learning deepens and everyone gets to be involved and everyone learns how to solve the problem, that may not have happened to them in the learning context but will most likely happen to them when they leave the learning environment.

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